
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2009


Komik Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas Komik adalah suatu bentuk seni yang menggunakan gambar-gambar tidak bergerak yang disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga membentuk jalinan cerita. Biasanya, komik dicetak di atas kertas dan dilengkapi dengan teks. Komik dapat diterbitkan dalam berbagai bentuk, mulai dari strip dalam koran, dimuat dalam majalah, hingga berbentuk buku tersendiri. Terminologi Di tahun 1996, Will Eisner menerbitkan buku Graphic Storytelling, dimana ia mendefinisikan komik sebagai "tatanan gambar dan balon kata yang berurutan, dalam sebuah buku komik." Sebelumnya, di tahun 1986, dalam buku Comics and Sequential Art, Eisner mendefinisikan eknis dan struktur komik sebagai sequential art, "susunan gambar dan kata-kata untuk menceritakan sesuatu atau mendramatisasi suatu ide". Dalam buku Understanding Comics (1993) Scott McCloud mendefinisikan seni sequential dan komik sebagai "juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate seque...

History of Comic Books

Comic books are, at least, as old as movies. Their first steps were set in the beginning of XXth Century, in the search of new ways of graphic and visual communication and expression. Usually, comic books are also associated with the prehistoric paintings in caves and Egyptian hieroglyphics, all of them visual narratives of juxtaposed images. The existence of words was not mandatory, but with the adoption of symbols to represent them -- letters --, they were soon added to give more information and boost the narrative flow. The improvement of press and printing technology were strong factors to the development of the medium. Among the precursors can be mentioned Swiss Rudolph Töpffer, German Wilhelm Bush, French Georges ("Christophe") Colomb and brazilian Angelo Agostini, but it is usual to associate the first comic book to Richard Fenton Outcalt's creation, The Yellow Kid, in 1896. Outcalt essentially synthesized what had been made before him and introduced a new elemen...